New York in October

Last week, I was in New York for the New York Comic Con/Anime Festival. I was at the NYCC/AF Friday and Saturday; the rest of my time there was spent with Jason and Claire. I had been to NYC once before in my life, and that was August 2001 when some friends and I drove up from South New Jersey to the original Yankee Stadium to watch a Yankees game. I think I remembered snapping a picture of the New York skyline with my old film camera, I’m sure the picture is somewhere in my pile of photos in a box somewhere in my house. But until then, that was my only experience in New York City.

Side note, this will be long. I mean. I was there for almost a week. Pictures alone are overwhelming. But this post features tourist, scantily clad women, gunpla, and food, so what more can one ask in a blog post? You have been warned…


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FAG and the October Model Build Gathering

Finally, some gunpla goodness. This weekend was the October Build Gathering. Folks came and went through out the day and evening and all said, we had about 26 or so people at the gathering. A good thing that they came and went, otherwise, we’d have to implement the patio table and living room tables like we’ve done in the past. I also got some work done of the Full Armor Gundam (FAG). More about the gathering and the FAG after the jump.


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Dave and Erin get married and Muse Weekend

Yet another weekend and very little building. Well, Angel and I worked on some kits Friday night, but all I have done are the arms and head for the Full Armor Gundam kit I picked up a few weeks ago. This weekend was Dave (dhcloud on the forums) and Erin’s wedding and the Muse concert Sunday evening.


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Weekend in Toronto…

Another personal post, no gunpla or resin goodness. I was in Toronto this past weekend for a family gathering and wedding. In a nutshell, we did some sightseeing around Toronto, did a traditional Chinese dinner banquet as the “rehearsal dinner”, the wedding and reception the following day, then a trip out to Niagara Falls to cap the trip. All said, between Thursday night when I landed until Monday afternoon when I got back to LA, I got about 18 hours of sleep total. Hence an update today and not yesterday. Read on if you want the fun little details from the trip…


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