Weekend update: Skiing and Cosette Update

I had a fairly busy weekend; a few friends and I went skiing up at Bear Mt in Big Bear and I got a little bit of work on Cosette with some actual visual progression. The weather called for significant storm to hit Friday night into Saturday all week long, but we kept with our planned schedule to head up early Saturday morning to ski/board. I did most of my work on Cosette while recovering on Sunday; and if I keep my current progress pace, I should have her done by the end of this week for ValleyCon this coming Sunday.


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So damn tired…

I need another weekend to recover from my weekends. Dinner and a bar on Friday; Thai food lunch, home made dumplings and homemade chocolate mousse on Saturday; followed by skiing, NFC/AFC Championship games, and a family dinner on Sunday. I’m almost glad to be at work so that I can use this time to recover before starting this all up again come the next weekend.


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Snow Summit Skiing…

With the recent winter storms in Southern Calif. and my need to burn off excess ATO; I had planned to head up to the mountains Friday to get some skiing in, as fresh natural powder is fairly rare out here in So Cal. With most of my friends having to work or hung up on other obligations, I was pretty much resigned to the idea that I was going alone; no biggie, I used to do this all the time when I was in the Air Force. But as luck would have it, I went to pick up Jay and Claire from the airport on Thursday, and pretty much bugged Jay about going to the mountains with me the next day. Keeping him mind that he and Claire had about 2 hours of sleep the previous night, went through a 6 hour flight, and then the asshole that I am is sitting there coercing him into waking up early the following day to head up to the local mountains and ski…. He caves.

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