Finishing up Yukari

Work continued on Yukari with a sewing machine.

Returning shorly to the previous post, the leg parts were cut to remove the shoes as well as the upper thigh. Instead of painting on the leggings, I decided to sew some nylon mesh material together and effectively have real stockings on the kit. The mesh materials is measured against the painted legs and cut into strips. The mesh is then held together by some pins and sewn together using an elastic stitch. The excess material next to the open end of the stitch is cut away. This end of the stitch needs to be hidden, so the mesh tube is flipped inside out so the excess is on the inside. Once flipped, the mesh tube is slipped over the legs. Cutting away the upper thigh and the shoes makes it easier to put the stockings together, since the upper and lower areas do not need to be carefully cut and glued.

yukari_feet_mod yukari_leggings

Once the legging are in place, the shoes and upper thigh pieces are glued together and the lower torso and legs are done.


Continue ReadingFinishing up Yukari

Stockings for Asagi (井河アサギ)

Last night saw very little paint work as I sprayed areola detail and the final flat clear coat over the main body’s skin areas to seal in the decal as well as flatten the skin tone to match that of the other skin parts. These parts will need a few days to cure before I move on towards masking and painting the rest of the kit. So tonight was the perfect night to do the nylon stockings…

asagi_prog 117_jpg.jpg asagi_prog 135_jpg.jpg


Continue ReadingStockings for Asagi (井河アサギ)