Random post of last week’s activities…

It’s been a while since I’ve had some time to sit down and write out a post. Last week, I had a business trip out to Richmond, Virginia; so taking the opportunity, I also flew up to New York to visit Jason, Claire, and my newborn godson Jackson. Getting back to LA Monday morning, I went to work for a few hours then went home. More parts for the subie came in so I did up those mods before crashing out. Yesterday, I got some paint on the diorama base. This post will be a mishmash of things starting last week.


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New York in October

Last week, I was in New York for the New York Comic Con/Anime Festival. I was at the NYCC/AF Friday and Saturday; the rest of my time there was spent with Jason and Claire. I had been to NYC once before in my life, and that was August 2001 when some friends and I drove up from South New Jersey to the original Yankee Stadium to watch a Yankees game. I think I remembered snapping a picture of the New York skyline with my old film camera, I’m sure the picture is somewhere in my pile of photos in a box somewhere in my house. But until then, that was my only experience in New York City.

Side note, this will be long. I mean. I was there for almost a week. Pictures alone are overwhelming. But this post features tourist, scantily clad women, gunpla, and food, so what more can one ask in a blog post? You have been warned…


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