This weekend was a busy one. The annual SCAHMS (Southern California Area Historical Modelers Society) show was held on the 20th and 21st, and I the monthly model build gathering was also held. The show was big, about the same as last years. I took a good number of pictures, I got almost everything. The model build gathering was one of the smallest we’ve had in a while; but it was nice and relaxing.

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I showed up late on Friday night to enter my kits into the show, Dan(Funaka) and Travis also came along and each entered a kit as well. I had forgotten to bring my camera along, so I wasn’t able to take any pictures that night. But we were kicked out of the room in short order as they were moving to judge the Friday night entries.

Returning around 2PM the next day, I had the camera in hand, but I forgot to bring my ghetto pocket diffuser, so the pictures are not too great. Here are a sampling of the pictures I took.

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Dan was around and picked up a silver award for his HGUC Sazabi. Travis got a certificate for his HGUC Hygog, and I got a bronze award for one of my Nu’s, not sure which one, but I just took a guess.

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The judging at SCAHMS isn’t so much as a competition, but a rewarding for quality of each model as it stands on its own. Which is kinda cool in as we’re not in competition with anyone else but ourselves. There is no limit to the number of golds, silvers, or bronzes awarded. They are based only on the build quality. There were a great number of scratch builds present. Some of these things I’ll never see at an IPMS show. Again, simply amazing stuff. Too bad I was a little strapped for time and couldn’t hang out at the show for any decent length of time.

All the SCAHMS pictures:

The March model build gathering was considerably smaller. At the last minute, I planned to have an airbrushing class, but due to the small showing, that sort of went out the window. I’ll see about doing the airbrushing class next build gathering.

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Heh, cuddle buddies.

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Model Build gathering pictures:

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