Progress on all my project have all but stopped because I finally picked up a PS4 over Thanksgiving weekend and have since been sucked into the world of Assassin’s Creed Origins. Hooray for Egyptian boobies! I was playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 for 3 days and since I don’t really care for COD style FPS games, the online aspect of the game didn’t appeal to me; the campaign portion ended fairly quickly. I really just got the damn bundle for the Star Wars labeled box and controller. The game, not so much.
This coming weekend is our annual Xmas build gathering which consists of a potluck, drinking alcohol, maybe some model building, and a white elephant gift exchange. We have a minimum requirement of $25 for the “gift” but folks have brought things such as PGs, MGs and whole paint sets. Its always fun to watch everyone steal from one another.
The other thing I’ve been fiddling with of late is creating a new watch face for my Huawei Watch. For the longest time, I’ve been wanting a watch face with Eastern Arabic clock numerals. They’re typically search keyed as “Ottoman watch” and this will pull up a ton of images of antique watches. The obsession actually manifested after watching the movie Looper, where the main protagonist has a pocket watch with such a face. So, when I first got the smartwatch, I did some searched for faces but didn’t find any watch face that had those dial ticks. I figured it was a bit too early in the smartwatch face creating game and I eventually forgot about it. Recently, the itch returned. But again, the search was fruitless. If it doesn’t exists, I guess I should create it.
I found an image file for clock dial scheme and created 1-12, cleaned up the images a bit then started work on creating the watch. So as to not reinvent the wheel, I took an existing watch and just stripped away the cosmetics and replaced them with newly created one. I ended up with the following, the first picture is what the watch looks like on bright mode, and the second is on dim mode.
In my research for real Ottoman style watches, I came across a company called Tourby and I really liked the look of these custom watches. So I added that bit of flare to the watch.
In bright mode, the watch face displays current temperature, date, steps, battery for watch and phone, and heart rate. With the dim mode, this shouldn’t drain the battery too badly, but this is still my second or third watch design, so we’ll see as I test this on my own watch. For those interested in the face, I uploaded it to facerepro where you can grab it, leave a comment, and rate it. I’ve already updated it a few times since uploading it yesterday. I spent a little more time cleaning up the numerals and did some small design changes here and there on the watch. I should just close this off and work on a completely different version next.
I still have tons of projects in various stages of completion, but I’m really enjoying the hell out of killing Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians while every so often; getting treated to Egyptian boobies. I should get some work done on at least the MG Hazel project during the build gathering this Saturday. For those local to Southern California and want to join the build gatherings, fill out of form here subscribe to the mailing list. If you cannot make it this Sat, there’s always next month.
Edit, I added another version, the dim view is the same. I removed the weather and heart rate and shifted the step counter up. I redesigned the second counter to look more like the Tourby custom.