January Model Build Gathering

This past Saturday was the monthly model build gathering. I believe we were about 25 strong. I actually got quite a bit of work done on my Saz project that I started early last week. People brought food and the grill was fired up. There was a little bit of drinking and a little bit of rockband towards the end of the night, but there was a great deal of building going on as well.


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Happy New Years!

Okay, with that over, time to post about the past week or so. My company has a shutdown for the holidays, so effectively, between Dec 25th through Jan 1st; I’m off, sorta. I did have two days that I volunteered to monitor my projects production systems and I actually worked on those two days, but the rest of the time was spent doing holiday stuff. I had picked up a new Olympus E-P2 Pen camera that arrived on Dec 21st; so all pictures on my site from this point on will be a product of that camera. The camera arrived just in time for the holidays. Family and friend gatherings, as well as a little road trip up to Northern California. I snapped some new pictures of my corgis. And I was even able to squeeze some time in for work on a kit, the BearGuy. If you want to skip the post about my trip and go straight to the small blurb about the Bearguy, click here.


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December’s Model Build Gathering

This past weekend was the holiday model build gathering. For the past few years, we’ve done a white elephant gift exchange that has started to become a tradition. This is the third year, so all and all, it was a pretty good exchange. A few things were learned from the experience. But more about that later. Models were worked on, and we had a ton of new folks show. Also included in this post is the crab night for my little circle of friends.

The gift exchange went well, so this may be a good little tradition we start up for years to come.


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Weekend of Food and Pumpkin Carving

This past weekend was spent on nothing but eating and carving pumpkins. I’m gonna need the week to recover from all the food consumed while the carved pumpkins sitting in my living room slowly deteriorate. Friday night was originally planned for a simple gathering of friends to carve some pumpkins. Originally I figured we’d order pizza and do something simple. Unfortunately, as the week progress, those plans changed for the more elaborate. Food was consumed and pumpkins were carved. One of the guys made a Zaku pumpkin, so even tho there’s no models involved, Gundam is still a part of our everyday lives…


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