SCGMC 2016 is over, here’s what happened!

For those that don’t know what SCGMC is, it’s the Southern California Gundam Model Competition. This was our 6th year hosting this competition; and even though there was a big convention happening the same weekend (Pacific Media Expo – PMX) we still did quite well. We had 280 people in attendance. Of that, 87 entered the contest with 178 entries. Yes, 178 individual entries. One guy was responsible for about 17 kits. We had people travel from Arizona, Vancouver Canada, Minnesota, Seattle, and Virginia specifically for this show. Without any doubts, this is THE BIGGEST LIVE GUNPLA contest in North America. We had several live demos that had actual hands on experience with airbrushing, water slide decal application, and photography. We set up two photography booths so that once judging was done, the entrants could grab their kits and take some professional pictures of the kits after learning how to take pictures with the live demo. We had 6 vendors including ABC Toy 4 Me, Robot 4 Less, Robo Toy Fest, Tatsu Hobby, Modelers Alley Creative Studios, and Volks Hobby USA.

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More details about the show after the jump!


Continue ReadingSCGMC 2016 is over, here’s what happened!

SCGMC 2015 is only ONE Month Away!!!

It’s now one month away from SCGMC 2015! We are very excited because it’s our 5th year, we have a huge new venue, AND there’s the 1/144 city diorama theme. It will be damn cool to see all the dioramas put together to create one giant 1/144 city. We’ve got Feddy and Zeon shirts for sale on this site for the past several months but as an added special only available at this year’s SCGMC, we added a new shirt that is Char themed. The red Char shirt will ONLY be available at SCGMC 2015 and we only have a limited number of these shirts. During our bi-weekly broadcast, the guys teased that we would announce something special for SCGMC this year, and one of the comments screamed something to the effect of, “Great, now TGG is going to do a P-TGG thing”. The price for the Char’s shirt is going to be the same as the Feddy and Zeon shirts. But again, there will be limited numbers and only available at the show. We have sizes from Small through 2XL.

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Continue ReadingSCGMC 2015 is only ONE Month Away!!!

Are you ready for SCGMC 2015?

This last month has been a busy one; and time is flying by so fast; where the hell did summer go? Oh yeah, I spent a week in Santiago, Chile, it’s winter down there; but still, time seems to be on fast forward. We’re about 2 months away from this year’s Southern California Gundam Model Competition! Are you ready?

This is our 5th year of the competition; and with that, we have a much bigger venue. So for those that have attended previous years’; THE VENUE LOCATION IS DIFFERENT THIS YEAR!!!

Grand Hall
Fullerton Community Center
340 W Commonwealth Ave
Fullerton, CA 92832


I’ll try to cover everything about the contest in this post, so this will be pretty long. But to make things a little easier, I’ll have the bookmarks below that will click to the specific topic area.

SCGMC 2015 T-Shirts
SCGMC 2015 Categories
SCGMC 2015 Judging Guideline
SCGMC 2015 Forms
SCGMC 2015 Live Demos
SCGMC 2015 Vendor List

We also do a Live Gunpal Building broadcast bi-weekly (every other Tuesday at 7:00PM PST) And we have a broadcast scheduled for tonight (September 8, 2015 @ 7:00PM PST) So feel free to ask any questions about SCGMC during the broadcast.


Continue ReadingAre you ready for SCGMC 2015?