Weathering takes time….

The weathering process takes time. Granted we’re not putting the object outside so that it can sit for a few years to naturally achieve sun/rain/wind damage and get all rusty and dirty. But the process isn’t instant and done in a single model session. For your typical object, the paint can chip and crack; it can get weather damages such as sun, wind, and rain; and it can also get dirty and rusty – just here, there are three layers of weathering that can happen. Applying the different techniques one on top of another can create some very dynamic weathered look to your object.


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Simple Diorama Continued

The past couple of weeks have been pretty damn shitty. But I’m recovering and getting life back to the normal; so work on this project that has stalled resumes. Getting to the Z’Gok, I sprayed a few layers of colors to get the shaded effect I wanted. I started off with a dark tone, over this I painted white keeping a fairly heavy shade. Then over the white, the main Z’Gok color is painted. This last layer worked to blend the shading together.

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