Master Grade GM Sniper 2 Modifications List

I got to thinking about the kit and the mods I made for the thing and never really got around to listing them out. It is not only for the competitions that I plan on attending; but a visual reference to how much really changed on the kit from the stock photos Bandai and others have put out to the dizzying camoed painted completed version I have now. I also realized that when I snapped “final” pictures the other day, I left some sticky tack on the lower area of the GM’s slide down visor. So I took some new pictures with some slightly altered lighting to fix the rather harsh looking light against the kit.

Using stock photos, here’s the direct comparisons:

The list of mods after the jump:


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GM Sniper 2 Completed Part 1

This past week was spent finishing up work on the GM Sniper 2. Realistically, there were only 7 or so steps left from the last update. The decals, the after decal gloss coat, panel lines, flat coat, weathering (in two steps, paint chipping and pastels), then the final flat coat. So there’s not much to see in the progress other than some quick snaps during the above processes.

But the sniper is still only the first part, granted, it really is the “main” part of the project. I still have the complementing base that needs to be finished before this project as a whole can be tied off as truly finished. I’ll quickly go through the final steps for the GM then get back into the base work, and at the very end, the completed gallery; all after the jump!


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GM Sniper 2 Principal Painting is DONE!

Its been two weeks since the last update post. There were a few busy weekends where not much progressed and all the work in these past two weeks was just the endless cycle of paint-mask-paint-mask. So this will just show you how f-ing tedious that process was and hopefully show that it’s actually worth the grinding. The last bit of work done last night was spraying the clear gloss over the kit. Several coats of clear gloss. And the reason for this will become more apparent as we progress through this update. Before taking the kit apart into small subsections for the clear gloss, I snapped a few assembled pictures. It’s a good time to bring back the snapped pictures I took over 3 months ago when I first started this project to get a side by side comparison.




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