Gunpla Private Lessons and some progress on the Midnight Zaku

Starting with the beginning of the week, on Monday, the black parts were sprayed with clear gloss. The shoulder armor should be considerably shiner, see the comparison below. After a full day of curing, decals were applied Tuesday along with the standard decal setting/softening solutions, and again left to dry and cure for a full day. Wednesday, the decaled pieces are sprayed with a couple of clear gloss sessions to completely seal in the decal as well as hide the decal edges as best as possible.

More Midnight Zaku progress below as well as the proposal for Gunpla Private Lessons.


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The Bowl, Colorado, and a Zaku

Been a while, figured I’d wait until I had some gunpla to post. I’ve been sucked into the world of MSG Battle Operation. And in between sessions of Feddy and Zeon bashing, I’ve managed to hit up the Hollywood Bowl twice, go to Vegas, go to Colorado for work, help a friend with mold making and resin casting, and actually got some paint thrown onto an MG Zaku Mine Layer. And it is at this opportune moment that I realize, I didn’t take any pictures in Vegas. I took the camera with me with the original intent to hike the Ice Box trail in Red Rock, but the heat and a night of drinking and gambling killed all possibilities of that happening.


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