This year’s resin figure build: Revy

Several weeks ago, it occurred to me that I had yet to build a resin figure this year. I’ve been building fewer projects over the course of a year, but so far I’ve completed the resin conversion Efreet Custom and my little Nu project. Yes, the Efreet is mostly resin, but it is definitely not a figure kit; so picking through my pile, I narrowed down a few during the August build gathering. The Dutch and Revy kit pulled to me, and looking at the quick fit of things, I decided on the Revy which looks like it’s about a 1/4 scale bust kit.

So we begin, with Step 1: Basic building and pinning. I actually quite enjoy this step, the rough excess resin tabs are cut and the kit comes together in unpainted resin pureness. One of the build guys, Manuel, lent me his jeweler’s saw, which cuts through the resin like butter, and reduces the chance of resin chipping from using clippers. However, there is a real possibility of slipping and cutting into the resin parts other than just the excess resin, so care needs to be taken – especially since these saws can take off skin and bone just as easily.

Excess resin is removed here and there while the parts are test fitted, making sure parts are snug and aligned. Once this is done, some of the parts are carefully pinned trying to keep true to the alignment. Here I can see what pieces need reshaping or realignment.


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Southern California Gundam Model Competition 2012

This past Saturday hosted the second annual Southern California Gundam Model Competition – SCGMC 2012. This year, we grabbed the larger of the two rooms at the local Holiday Inn Express, which afforded much more room for attendees for the various aspects of the show. From my perspective, I thought we had a pretty good show. We can always use more growth, so I think this next year, the group and I will make a more concentrated effort to hit up more competitions and see about generating more interests within the general model building community. But I’m definitely happy with our turn out this year. For next year, we’ll definitely need to get a counter so we can at least track the attendance trend. As far as modelers, we had 37 individual entrants, up two from last year. The number of models was 87, down one from last year. I was actually expecting less this year because there was a good possibility that with last year, everyone brings their old kits, and there was a possibility that people didn’t build enough. Its good to know that folks are still busy building! We had 4 demos this year, I changed out the mod demo for an advanced airbrush demo that focused on shading and fine use of the airbrush – which complimented the first demo session of basic airbrush usage. Dan did a demo on decal design that interested a great deal of people, and I followed his decal demo with a quick diorama building discussion.


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Finishing Morrigan

Morrigan has been completed for about three weeks now; in the middle of the family fun, I had quickly finished her up for OrangeCon. Not the greatest work, but I wanted to get at least one figure kit completed this year. But rewinding a bit to the week leading up to OrangeCon 2012, I still had small bits and pieces to paint. The main body was masked off for the final layers of paint.


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