Halloween Corgis

Hugo turned 5 years old yesterday. So as a little birthday gift, I gave him a nice beef rib to gnaw on. Now, of the two dogs, Hugo is much more food aggressive, and will bare his teeth, growl, and completely stiffen up when he feels his food is threatened. I’ve been messing with him to help him relax, but this is something in his personality. He knows he shouldn’t be aggressive, but his first reaction is to be defensive. Beanie on the other hand has absolutely no food aggressions. I can freely take things away from him and he doesn’t much react, just looks at me and wonders why I took his food, bone, treat, etc. Halloween is coming up too and Clementine bought them little costumes; a pumpkin and a bee.

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Hugo & Beanie

Of all the things I write about, I have yet to really write anything about my two dogs, Hugo & Beanie. They are both Pembroke Welsh Corgis, both boys, not related, and about half a year in age difference. Hugo is the tri-color and Beanie is the fawn (for you Cowboy Bebop fans, think Ein.) Although both are very intelligent, Beanie is clearly much more intelligent than Hugo. Hugo is a very quick learner, because he just likes food, and will pretty much do anything he can to get a treat. Their two personalities differ greatly, I often find Beanie sitting on the couch with one arm propped up against the sofa end looking rather deep in thought; while Hugo looks at you and smiles vacantly. Hugo is the more active and playful of the two, and will easily find all sorts of ways to entertain himself such as running around with one of his many toys and chasing Beanie around the house.

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