June 7, 2006: This kit came in the mail today. I took
the day off because the bloody weather change dropped my immune system
and I got sick. What better way to rest up while feeling like complete
crap than breathing in resin dust? I was in the middle of pinning Siegfried
which I started yesterday. Since I'm going to be sticking with my "one
mecha, one figure" mantra, I'll be focusing my attention on this
kit - working on the other kit during the wait times. This kis was a quick
pin, there are only 6 or so pieces in total. Three pieces for the hair,
the two arms, and a piece at the base of the kit for the blanket/cloth.
Most of the mold lines have been roughly sanded down. At 1/4 this is a
fairly big kit. Masking is going to be very interesting for this kit.

June 11, 2006: Weekend update. Actually got quite a bit
done since the last update. The progression is as follows: Cleanup sanding,
purple industrial strength cleaner bath, scrubbing, primer, and paint.
Most of the final cleanup and scrubbing was done Friday, then after drying,
I sprayed the kit with Mr Resin Primer.

I started painting on Saturday. Using my premixed vat of
skin tone, I painted the base skin color on. Using cobalt blue, I painted
the base color for the hair pieces. A lighter skin tone was then sprayed
onto the kit for shading. Next, I painted the nipple a pinkish skin tone.After
this was done, I added a little "Gamera" tattoo onto her right
butt cheek. I misted the lighter skin tone over the "tattoo"
to fade it a little into the skin. Then went on to spray a clear gloss

Sunday was mostly masking. I masked off the skin using tamiya
masking tape, then 3M blue painters tape, then Mr Masking Sol to make
sure I did not miss any areas. After the masking sol dried, I painted
on a base shirt color of gray. Painted the base color of cobalt blue for
the hair on her head. And finally painted the white for her shirt and
eyes. The last thing I did tonight was spray on future floor polish onto
the shirt and eyes. This is to prepare the surface for then enamel layer
of paint I plan on using for the eyes and the stripes of her shirt.
June 12, 2006: Tonight I finished highlighting the hair
as well as painted the lower half of the figure. I have the eyes, detail
painting, the base, and clear coats and I should be done. This is running
along fairly quickly.

June 14, 2006: Midweek update. I started painting the eyes
as well as doing a wash for the creased areas of her hair and where her
body meets clothing. I'm also in the process of hand painting the strip
details on her shirt. Not completely done, but getting there. The eyes
are not finished either, still need to do some highlighting and inking.
At this rate, I should be able to apply my final clear coats Friday.

June 16, 2006: Today I sprayed on the final coats of flat
and gloss. Below is a before and after picture for the flat clear I used.
I then masked off the kit so I could spray on a gloss over the lower half
of her body as well as her eyes.