June 7, 2005: Progress page for the Hasegawa 1/72
SV-51 Gamma Ivanov. The last time I built a Hasegawa kit was about 15
years ago or so, and it was a 1/72 F-4u Corsair. The last Macross kit
I built was the Imai 1/100 Glaug Officer Pod. So if it turns out like
crap, read the above disclaimer.
For this kit, I will be doing a Carrier Diorama. I have
a carrier crew kit with tractor and the Verlinden Carrier Deck with Blast
Shield. The base is a solid piece of resin that I need to do some minor
sanding and then it's off to masking and painting away. I need to do a
little research on carrier decks before I start, however I won't be starting
on the base until I complete most of the componets for the diorama. Currently
I've been working on the plane itself. Next will be the deck crew and
tractor, and then the base.
Since I haven't built a Hasegawa Macross plane yet, I've
been going rather slow since I'm not quite sure where to begin and such.
So far I have a few pieces painted and the majority of the major parts
glued and sanded. Below are the painted parts so far.

Below is a picture of the Verlinden carrier deck unsanded
and unpainted.

June 12, 2005: Below is a size reference for the plane and
the base.

The below pictures are things I've done up to this point
from the last time I updated the page. So far, the cockpit has been completed,
and then masked off so that the rest of the plane can be worked on. The
pictures are as follows: cockpit, primed, first coat of gloss black, spots
of white aluminum for paint chipping areas, overcoat of gloss black applied
after masking sol was applied to various areas for the paint chipping
effect, and the last coat of steel.

Below is a mockup of the plane after the majority of the
parts have been painted. Following this, the major parts were disassembled
and the first coat of future was applied. The decals were added and then
another coat of future. Next up is the panel lines, satin/dull future
coat, and weathering and final coat of satin/dull future. The plane should
be completed by the end of this week. And I can start on the weapon pods,
deck crew, tractor, and the base.

June 13, 2005: Below are pictures of the mocked up plane
after the panel lining on the deck base. Not much room on the base for
anything else now is there? The other pictures are the completed plane
after the flat base and future have been applied and all the sub assemblies
have been glued. Next up is the weapons, deck personel, tractor (if there
is even enough room for it) and then the deck itself. I'm hoping that
I can fit the tractor into the picture without it looking overly crowded.
I may hold back on the figures and only use a couple. I'll do some test
shots tomorrow when I have the figures and tractor glued together.

June 24, 2005 Update. Finally got done with the base. Below
are pictures of the base progress from the first applications of alclad
magnesium for the catapult, and white for the internal area of the blast
shield. Then I used masking sol to mask off the little deck holes. A layer
of grey was sprayed on for the deck color. After that, some masking for
the various runway markings, then painted the markings.

Below is a mockup picture of the plane on the built and
futured deck. Then I did an enamel filter/wash to change the tone and
fill in some deck lines. Future + flat base was applied, and then the
weathering using chalk pastels for some tiremarks and general grime for
an inuse runway. This was followed up with another coat of future + flat
base and the base itself is complete.

Below is the progress for the deck crew and miscellanous
pieces such as the deck tractor and weapons for the Ivan. I should be
able to finish this puppy up this week, and in-time for Anime Expo 2005.

June 26, 2005 Final update. I finished working on the figures.
See the pictures below.