Morrigan Completed

While updating my Completed Figures Page, I noticed that there was a missing figure, the Morrigan that I finished in 2012. I searched my site and didn’t find it and remembered that I had rushed to finish it for Orangecon in 2012 and was planning on taking completed pictures. We see how well that plan turned out. So since the photobooth is still set up from the Yukari shoot, I dusted off Morrigan and snapped a few quick pictures. Instead of bats, I used my personal logo, and it didn’t turn out as great as I was expecting. There is plenty of evidence of a rush job, but nothing I can do now – unless I strip it and start from scratch. It’s easier to move on to the next project.

Full gallery after the jump.


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Yukari Yakumo Completed

I finished this kit late last month, but just hadn’t gotten around to taking pictures. I also picked up a new camera so this is the first subject to have completed pictures taken with the new camera, a Lumix GX7. It uses the same lenses as my old Olympus EP2. It is a nice upgrade from that camera, so I will have fun learning to use it.

The kit was fairly simple, I did have to do some modifications to the legs to make the white fishnet stocking addition easier to do. Other than this, there was the usual multi tiered masking involved. I hope to get more figures completed this year, so hopefully not a end of the year project like this one.

Full gallery after the jump.


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Finishing up Yukari

Work continued on Yukari with a sewing machine.

Returning shorly to the previous post, the leg parts were cut to remove the shoes as well as the upper thigh. Instead of painting on the leggings, I decided to sew some nylon mesh material together and effectively have real stockings on the kit. The mesh materials is measured against the painted legs and cut into strips. The mesh is then held together by some pins and sewn together using an elastic stitch. The excess material next to the open end of the stitch is cut away. This end of the stitch needs to be hidden, so the mesh tube is flipped inside out so the excess is on the inside. Once flipped, the mesh tube is slipped over the legs. Cutting away the upper thigh and the shoes makes it easier to put the stockings together, since the upper and lower areas do not need to be carefully cut and glued.

yukari_feet_mod yukari_leggings

Once the legging are in place, the shoes and upper thigh pieces are glued together and the lower torso and legs are done.


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Yukari Progress

The year is almost over and I’ve yet to get one figure kit completed. So I rummaged through the collection of resin kits and found this partially pinned kit. The parts breakdown is pretty simple and should be a pretty quick build. So I started up the project a few weeks ago.

This is Yukari Yakumo from the doujin game Touhou Project. I have no idea what the game is about or who this character is, but a few years ago, the kit looked pretty good from one of the WF events in Japan and I picked this kit up off Y!J Auctions.

The first step is to finish pinning together the kit, so I can get a better idea on modifications areas, but for the most part, I am just building this out of the bag.



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