Lasagna Part Deux and Chicken & Waffle Night

Yet another weekend filled with food and entertainment. Things start off on Friday evening for finishing up my first attempt at making Lasagna. Saturday was chicken and waffle night at the house; and I spend most of Sunday recovering. Jen’s portable fire pit is a frigging awesome replacement for the go board that we normally congregate around while outside.


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Lasagna Part One: The Ragu & gtetra’s Gaplant

The previous day while at the supermarket, I decided to try my hand at making lasagna. Having just had a wonderful lasagna from Angelini Osteria, a quick search pulled up a “recipe”. It is as good a starting point as any, but I’m making my own little modifications to the basic recipe as I go along. Hsiang-Wei(gtetra) came over to work on his Gaplant for which he pretty much finished painting and only requires the clear coats and decals to finish up the sucker.


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