Anime Expo 2010

This is my post about Anime Expo 2010 from my perspective. I’m one of two managers of the Exhibit Hall, I run 2 works shops and a panel, I run the AX Model Contest, and I’m also the point of contact for the Gunpla World Cup competition being sponsored by Bluefin. So I have a fairly unique perspective on things. And this post basically continues from the my last blog post.


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MG Exia Group Build for Anime Expo 2009 Display

Towards the end of June, I got an email from a distributor that will be exhibiting at Anime Expo; as well as Otakon and the San Diego Comic Con. He was asking if I could build a couple of kits to be displayed at Anime Expo. The email came on a Monday, the 22nd of June, and Anime Expo starts on July 2nd; additionally, I’m one of the managers for the Exhibit Hall this year so I need to be there on June 30th to start dealing with all the vendors and my job for AX. Not too bad, if I can get the kits started Monday evening and get some fellow model builders to help out, we can probably do this… Well, a few more issues, the guy was currently in Japan and returning Tuesday, and he won’t have the kits until Friday of that week. The kits in question are the 00 Riser and MG Exia; which has yet to be released.


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Anime Expo 2009

Holy hell, I’m tired beyond belief. This year’s Anime Expo is but a memory now. The majority of my time spent at the convention was in the Exhibit Hall and in the panels/workshop rooms. I didn’t take the time to check out any of the various events happening as this year, I was one of two assistant managers in the Exhibit Hall, and that black hole of a place just sucks the life out of you. However, I did get to spend some time with some friends I haven’t seen in years, as well as further solidify some relationships with vendors.


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