MG GM Sniper 2: backpack work and start to chest, shoulders, and waist mods

I went almost a week without doing much work other than molding and casting the metal thrusters. They look cool, but are a pain in the ass to paint and they add a bit too much weight in comparison to a resin copy. Plus, they can get expensive if I keep buying and using them. So going back to my Chinese roots as a cheap fuck, I pirate the crap out of them. Then again, I’m not selling them, I’m just making copies to maximize their value. That said, I started working on the backpack sometime last week. I’ve seen some folks create these heatsink/vent things that look pretty damn cool; and some folks on reddit have asked how they’re done. So after a little bit of research, I figured out one way I could do them. For the quick and dirty, here’s a before and after for the backpack:

Full details on what I did after the jump!


Continue ReadingMG GM Sniper 2: backpack work and start to chest, shoulders, and waist mods

New project for the new year: GM Sniper 2!

What better way to start off a new year than with a brand spanking newly released Master Grade GM Sniper 2 kit? Even better is that I have the motivation and some ideas bouncing around in my head for the kit. It was released about 2 weeks ago and I got the kit late last week. The little free time I had was spent cutting, sanding, and snapping the kit together. I didn’t finish the snapping process until last night, 1/30/2017.

It is a cool looking kit and came together well. I have some reservation on frame made of abs like plastic. I’m going to have to be careful when I paint to keep from making the frame too brittle. As cool as the kit is stock, it will definitely need some customization. First and foremost, that God awful sniper rifle will need to be updated.

Prior to the kit’s arrival, I had already started the process for updating the rifle. I found a damn cool looking sniper rifle online from Fall Out Las Vegas.


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End of the year home improvement project

Happy New Year everyone! I’ve been away from any gunpla for a while because of the holidays as well as doing some home improvement projects. I’ve been living at this house for a year and slowly getting small projects done here and there. That, along with the holidays has pretty much killed all work on anything gunpla related. But, since the holidays are done and this project is finished; I hope to get back into the 1/24 Saz head sooner than later.

For reasons that will be explained after the jump, we got a new oven, then because of the new oven, needed to do some construction to the existing cabinetry, which eventually led to the complete refinishing of all the kitchen cabinetry. Wow, this feels like I’m back in school explaining what I did over my xmas break… weird.


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