Simple Diorama Continued

The past couple of weeks have been pretty damn shitty. But I’m recovering and getting life back to the normal; so work on this project that has stalled resumes. Getting to the Z’Gok, I sprayed a few layers of colors to get the shaded effect I wanted. I started off with a dark tone, over this I painted white keeping a fairly heavy shade. Then over the white, the main Z’Gok color is painted. This last layer worked to blend the shading together.

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GBWC Results from Anime Expo 2014

This past AX was probably one of my shortest stays at the convention. I normally spend at least 3 days, but there were just too many people and nothing that truly pulled me as far as interests. Where I used to wander the halls and take pictures of just about everything, I pretty much only focused on the GBWC, my two panels, and promoting SCGMC as much as possible. This year was pretty damn crowded. I don’t believe I have ever seen this large a sea of people. And in the previous years, the lines for registration after the first day is usually fairly tolerable; I’m pretty surprised at how long people still had to wait for getting registered even on day 3. Yeah, this con has taken a huge jump in attendance. I also noticed that the exhibit hall has grown considerably with a great deal more vendors. Crazy.


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