Shirt Reprints!

SCGMC Shirt reprints! We just received our reprints for the Alex Build, Kampfer, and Gunpla Elitist! Folks have been requesting these shirts so here they are! We did a different print style for the Alex Build using ink discharge printing,…

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Dom Barrage, last progress post and it’s DONE!

As promised, there were only a few last steps for this project. The kit has been broken down into major subsections. Some subsections bigger than others. And I start off with applying some paint chipping using an enamel based metallic grey. A very small brush is used and I just slowly and carefully apply some chips here and there. I don’t want to go overboard, I just want to see that the suit has seen “some” use.

The rest of the final weathering steps as well as the final pictures for the kit after the jump.

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Road Effects

A while ago, I found these pictures on a facebook page that I don't remember what it was, *edit* someone let me know: but I had the forethought enough to download all the pictures to my phone. And randomly,…

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Dom Barrage July Week 1 Progress

No update earlier this week since I went out of town for a quick vacation with the wife and corgis. My documentation didn’t stop before the trip, so I have some things that happened to the kit right before that and right after – most of what happened after anyways. Odds and ends are being worked on as the kit is in an odd limbo of different stages of paint. Some of the 3D printed parts need a decent amount of attention so there is work there to fix things. I also cut out a styrene frame for the rear skirt and that was glued to the base of the rear skirt. The shoulders were masked and painted and then masked and painted and then yet another level of masking and painting. Think inception for painting, start at the bottom layer first, then continue masking and painting until the very top layer; then unmasking everything layer by layer until you reach reality and spin your totem…

More details after the jump. (more…)

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