1/8 Rio Completed


Update Information:

March 26, 2006: Completed her today. Started to lose interest and really slowed down on her. Part of it was due to starting up the FSS Phantom while I was waiting for the eye parts to dry. Finished the eyes a few days ago, and last night I painted the hair during my breaks from pinning the Phantom.

I'm still learning to use alclad, especially with masking. Next usage of alclads will be before masking so I can avoid flaking and such. The color made for a nice experiment. Mr Color clear over Alclad yeilded some decent results. I will be using this metallic red combination for the Phantom.

I'm not sure if this kit was supposed to come with the little card she holds or not, but the recast I got did not. (Ya get what you pay for..) So I just had to create on then hand paint on the little "Ace" onto the card. She also did not come with eyebrows, the card image and of course the eyes were hand painted. I think I'm getting better at hand painting, but who the hell really knows. Enjoy the pictures. Click here for the progress page.




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