Model Build Gathering 8/15/2009

August 16, 2009: Pictures taken from the August Model Build Gathering. We had a pretty turn out this month. We had a modeler that came to one of the first build gatherings making his a retun from a long hiatus. I got a good amount of work on Velvet done with masking. We did a run to Chic-Fil-A and ran into another modeler that was actually hitting the drive through and was on his way back to the gathering when he noticed a few of us walking into the place. Good call on hitting Chic-Fil-A. Returning to the house, we too several shots and then fired up rock band. Copious amounts of alcohol made for a great evening of fun - the following morning (today) however, wasn't so fun...

While watching folks play rockband, I noticed that Hugo and Duke were playing tug of war with Hugo's rope toy, the camera was too far away from me to capture this rare moment, but we did get to see a flying Duke.

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Update Information:

August 15, 2009: Pictures from model build gathering #26.




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