A few weeks ago I started on this project but do
to a back injury and a very heavy work load at the office, I've had to
push back my build schedules. This is an OOB Kampfer Build. I decided
to try a different approach to building the kit. I normally paint the
internals then the armor as separate entities. Since the painting requires
some extensive masking, I decided to paint the exterior armor first.
The parts were first painted with a gloss black since I'm using metallics
as the base colors.
After the gloss black dried, I sprayed on the chrome. Once the chrome
dried, I used a microfiber towel to polish the chrome a bit. THe following
pictures show a comparison of the freshly finished painted chrome and
the polished chome parts.

I painted alclad II magnesium then unmasked the parts.
Clear red was sprayed on to finish the armor. Next will be the internals
and the rest of the kit.
May 6, 2007 I ended up working most of the weekend
so I wasn't able to finish the sucker as I had planned. As it stands,
I still have the weapons to paint, then a wash, panel lines, and decals
to finish the guy up.

May 8, 2007: This week is a bit on the hectic side
as was the weekend. Didn't get home until about 10PM tonight but I did
manage to at the very least spray the initial clear coat. Tomorrow I can
do the panel lines. Still haven't gotten to the weapons but that should
be a fairly quick job, just sanding and paint.
May 12, 2007: Finished the weapons:
And then after finishing the weapons, I applied decals and applied a
final glossy clear coat. "Done: Click here for the completed page.
Update Information:
May 3, 2007: Working on a commission project. Quick straight out of box
May 6, 2007: Finished the base kit, still have weapons to paint and then
I can get the finishing work done. I should be done by Friday depending
on how heavy my work load is at my real job.
My 12, 2007: "Done: Click here for the completed page.