Build Gathering 11-10-2007

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Saturday had the most successful build gathering to date. We started around 1:00 PM ran to about 5, where a small group went off to the local hobby shop, when we got back, a few folks needed to take off, but they were quickly replaced by other folks. The spray booth station actually had a line going with folks waiting to paint parts and such. There was a total of 10 of us building yesterday. Seems like these group builds are growing with each month… We may need to have folks bring extra folding tables and chairs. The group is a very good mix of experienced and new modelers, it is interesting to see the different processes and ideas thrown around. A few folks are more productive then if building alone. The build session lasted until about 2:30 AM. Good times had by all.More pictures of the group and what we were each working on below. (more…)

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Build Night and Habenaro Tan Progress Update


Folks started showing up around 3:00PM today for the model build gathering that I’ve been holding once a month. There were six of us today, a pretty good size. The airbrush station was running for a couple of hours and we had a few people get some painting done. I finally got some time to sit down and just focus on the Habenaro Tan commission project that I started almost two weeks ago. I got a good amount of sanding done and all the parts with the exception of the puttied part are currently soaking in purple cleaner solution. If I get a chance tomorrow, I will finish the clean up and spray on the first coat of primer. (more…)

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