1st Real SCUBA Experience

July 28-29, 2007: Clementine and I get certified with 4 training dives and our first dive as certified PADI Open Water Recreational SCUBA. Yesterday was done at Redondo Beach CA, and today's dives were done off a boat in two different locations around Catalina Island. For the last dive today, I was able to take out the cheap 35mm camera that I picked up in a waterproof casing, and take pictures underwater. Granted our dive was 28 minutes but hopefully if the pictures come out, I can scan them and post them up when I get them developed. For now, here are the digital pictures I took on the two days. Eventually, I will get a waterproof case for one of my digital cameras and take more pictures when SCUBA diving. Fun times. Now I'm dead as hell, and gotta go sleep.

July 31, 2007: Updated, the images I took with the crappy 35mm film camera have been scanned and are below. I look forward to getting the water proof case for my canon s500 so that I can hopefully take some better pictures on my next dives.




Update Information:

July 28-29, 2007: Clementine and I completed 5 dives this weekend to certify ourselves under the PADI SCUBA open water certifications. This is the first step towards an active SCUBA hobby. Eventually, if this becomes a bigger habbit, I may have to open up it's own section for my webpage. I have other pictures on film that I will scan and upload when I get them developed. Hopefulyy they came out well, or come out at all.




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